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Submitting Meter Reads?

Please use the form below to notify us of meter reads taken manually. Please note that if you development is fitted with an automatic meter read collection system, we will use these by default.

Meter Read Submission Form

1Supply Details
2Meter Reads
3Authorisation & Confirmation

Only upload one read per same utility. If you have more than one read for the same utility (i.e. for different dates), please submit multiple forms.

Full name. This should be the person filling in this form
This should be the person filling in this form
Can be found on your most recent bill or within your online customer portal
Name of the development
Address of where the utilities billed are

It’s estimated that Heat Networks

Reduce carbon dioxide by

tonnes a year

Save customers

pounds a year on energy bills

Could serve

million customers by 2030

Could provide


of UK heating needs by 2050