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Energy prices skyrocket as markets brace for sub-zero temperatures

Plunging temperatures and a surge in demand has seen electricity prices reach an all-time record and gas prices at their highest level in almost three years. The price for electricity has risen to almost £1,500 a megawatt hour and gas has jumped a fifth to 80p a...

Residential Heat: The challenge of decarbonising our homes

Residential heat: the challenge of decarbonising our homes Heat networks are playing a key role in the UK’s transition to net zero, providing low-carbon heat to large residential developments. Recognised for their environmental, financial and social benefits, these...

Update: The Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations

Update: The Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations   On 27th November we will see amendments to the Heat Regs coming into force in the form of the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) (Amendment) Regulations 2020. When this legislation arrives, there are...

Press Release: Investors in People silver accreditation

PRESS RELEASE   Investors in People is delighted to award Data Energy Management Services Ltd the We invest in people, silver accreditation. Silver is a fantastic achievement and something only 20% of the organisations we assess achieve. It means that the right...

Coronavirus Update

Dear Clients, Residents and Suppliers,   We are pleased to advise you that we are fully prepared for the lockdown coming into effect from midnight on the 4th November. Moves have been taken to arrange for employees to work from home where possible however the...

Ofgem announces support for struggling energy customers

Ofgem has announced new measures that will protect vulnerable customers struggling to pay their energy bills or unable to top up due to mobility issues or having to self-isolate. From the 15th December, energy suppliers will be required to offer “realistic and...