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Coronavirus Update

Dear Clients, Residents and Suppliers,   We are pleased to advise you that we are fully prepared for the lockdown coming into effect from midnight on the 4th November. Moves have been taken to arrange for employees to work from home where possible however the...

Ofgem announces support for struggling energy customers

Ofgem has announced new measures that will protect vulnerable customers struggling to pay their energy bills or unable to top up due to mobility issues or having to self-isolate. From the 15th December, energy suppliers will be required to offer “realistic and...

BEIS Committee launches decarbonising heat in homes inquiry

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee has launched an inquiry into decarbonising heat in UK homes. The Committee will analyse the Government’s Buildings and Heat Strategy due in November, considering the priorities and timescales required to...

Millions to save on energy bills as price cap lowered

More than 15 million households will see their energy bills fall from October as a result of the energy price cap being lowered. The cap will be set at £1,042, the lowest level since the cap was introduced in January 2019, generating savings of around £84 for UK...

National Delivery Body required to decarbonise UK heat

The UK requires an independent impartial body to lead the heat decarbonisation strategy, according to a high-level commission convened by the CBI and University of Birmingham. The new Heat Commission published a series of recommendations for decarbonising heat as part...

CCC calls for total phase-out of gas boilers by 2035

In its latest progress report, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has demanded a clear timeline for the phase-out of gas boilers by 2035. The climate advisory body called for urgent policy to ensure low-carbon technologies, such as heat networks, can transition to...