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In its latest progress report, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has demanded a clear timeline for the phase-out of gas boilers by 2035.

The climate advisory body called for urgent policy to ensure low-carbon technologies, such as heat networks, can transition to the mainstream market in the next 15 years.

The CCC supports a targeted deployment of heat networks and heat pumps to around 1.5 million installations a year, to replace the majority of gas boiler demand by the early 2030s.

With domestic heat being one of the largest contributors to UK carbon emissions, UK homes must urgently switch away from fossil fuelled boilers. From 2025, all new build homes must have low-carbon heating systems installed.

Lord Debden, CCC Chairman, said:

“The UK is facing its biggest economic shock for a generation. Meanwhile, the global crisis of climate change is accelerating. We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to address these urgent challenges together.


The steps that the UK takes to rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic can accelerate the transition to a successful and low-carbon economy and improve our climate resilience. Choices that lock-in emissions or climate risks are unacceptable.”

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