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As coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) continues to spread, we would like to explain how we are responding to the global health crisis.

Coronavirus Business Continuity

  • We have robust contingency plans in place and a dedicated team who are responsible for monitoring the situation and implementing the plans as necessary.
  • We have implemented the advice of the authorities across our offices, as well as put measures in place to ensure our mobile workers are compliant.
  • If you are aware of infection in your immediate area, and we have an engineer or representative due to visit you in the coming days, please help us contain the virus by informing us prior to the visit. In these instances, we may have to make alternative arrangements.

Working from Home

  • The majority of our office systems and services are cloud based.
  • We do not need to be in our office locations in order to fully support our services
  • We have a VoIP platform that enables staff to make/receive calls from home, so there will be no disruption to our ability to take service calls from customers.
  • All employees will have personal or company laptops available if required, using secure connections and two factor authentication.

Coronavirus Communication to Employees

  • We are using our own company intranet site to keep our employees updated:
    • Displaying a live news feed from BBC News – Health
    • Prominently showing best practice advice for hygiene
    • Coronavirus awareness video
    • Keeping a more formal Q&A updated with common questions that we see being directed at our management teams
  • Where travel is required, all precautions will be considered
  • UK Government’s guidance on specified countries and areas
  • Video conferences will replace meetings where possible. (incl external visitors to our office)
  • We are following NHS guidance specifically:
    • Symptoms and preventing spread
    • Self identification

Self-isolation will take place when any member of the company has been:

  • Exhibiting symptoms
  • In receipt of medical advice to self-isolate
  • Confirmed as being in contact with a coronavirus carrier; or
  • Visiting a restricted area in the last 14 days for any reason

We wish you all the very best in your business, and trust this disruption is short-lived for the benefit of all.

Kind regards,

Rupert Mackay
Managing Director