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As a low-carbon engineering company, we provide consultancy that will ensure compliance and sustainability. We use a practical approach to bridge gaps and deliver solutions; taking on the legacy, recognising the constraints, and providing long-term, tangible benefits for all stakeholders.

We tailor our service based on the specific needs and challenges of your portfolio, always ensuring the solution is practical and underpinned by commercial reality.

Our experts guide you to a conclusion supported with quality data and ongoing reporting. The resources we’ve developed allow us to gather this data with minimum input from you and present our recommendations in a summary report, identifying the opportunities.

We work with clients that are keen to determine performance potential and deliver this in practice, maintaining compliance with industry standards. Our consulting engineers work alongside government and regulatory bodies, reviewing new and existing industry policies and compliance standards.

Energy Forensics

We use an investigative process to explain a set of circumstances; from an unusually high electricity bill, to a heat network operating at 40% efficiency. Whatever the issue, our experts can guide you to a conclusion based on structured engineering principles.

We often look to work at a financial payback period of 5 years or less, to ensure that an evolved strategy is justifiable. This isn’t limited to financial elements and could incorporate environmental benefits; actively tracking where lost or unaccounted energy can be harnessed and applied for the greater benefit.

Heat Network CP1

Our district energy and heat network engineers are fully certified by the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), to ensure compliance with the Heat Networks Code of Practice for the UK.

We help you benefit from the code, which looks to raise standards generally for consumers and residents. The overall purpose of the code is to:

  • Improve the quality of feasibility studies, design, construction, commissioning and maintenance by setting minimum requirements and identifying best practice options
  • Deliver energy efficiency and environmental benefits, reducing carbon impact
  • Provide an excellent level of customer care and resident engagement
  • Promote long lasting heat networks, in which customers and investors can have confidence
  • Ensure a competitive and reliable heat supply


The Heat Network Regulations

Residents and regulators both demand greater efficiency and accountability. These expectations led to the introduction of the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations in December 2014.

Many heat network owners, typically the Freeholder or Housing Association, do not realise they represent the de facto Heat Supplier under the regulations.

By law, the Heat Supplier must bill residents based on actual metered consumption, and not the service charge proportion defined within the lease. Early involvement in the heat network lifecycle allows us to offer guidance and expertise throughout, ensuring the managing agent can deliver their responsibilities following handover. Requirements under the regulations:

  • Notification to Secretary of State, prior to operation
  • Update notification every four years
  • Apartment-level heat meters
  • Issue bills at least once a year, to actual reads
  • Transparent consumption information
  • Generate bills at reasonable cost, without making profit

In November 2020, amendments to the regulations were introduced which place significant responsibilities on property managers, to understand whether clients fall within the requirements of the regulations. If you pay a communal gas bill, you will have a responsibility to your client which you may not have realised.