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Latest figures published by Energy UK reveal that six million customers switched supplier in 2020, an average of 496,127 switches per month.

Switching levels were down 6.5% on 2019, which was a record year with 6.4 million customers choosing to switch electricity provider.

December’s switching figures were down 10.6% on 2019, with 464,449 switches recorded in the final month of 2020.


Emma Pinchbeck, Energy UK’s Chief Executive, said:


“During a year when everyone’s attention has, unsurprisingly, been on other issues, it’s encouraging to see six million customers changing supplier in 2020 and benefitting from the products and services on offer.


As we settle into a new year, there’s no time like the present for customers to get in touch with their supplier and check they’re on the right tariff for them to shop around for a better deal.


However, the best way to save on energy bills in the long term is to improve the energy efficiency of your home. This can save hundreds of pounds and make homes more comfortable to live in – all while cutting our contribution to climate change.”