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Britain breaks coal-free power record

Britain broke its record for the longest continuous period without using coal over the Easter weekend, National Grid have confirmed.The period exceeded 90 hours before ending on Monday, breaking last year’s record of 76 hours 10 minutes, and becoming the longest...

Switching becomes the second largest cause of energy complaints

Switching energy supplier has risen to second place, just behind billing issues, as one of the most common causes of energy complaints.New figures suggest that switching issues were responsible for 1.7 complaints per 100,000 customers to the Ombudsman in the last...

IRPM Annual Seminar 2019

We’re incredibly proud to be sponsoring IRPM’s Annual Seminar on the 13th of June at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre. The seminar will bring together leading industry figures to tackle the big questions facing sector, including new laws, codes, qualifications and best...

Data Energy joins ARCO Affiliate Network

We are delighted to announce that we have joined the ARCO Affiliate Network as a Heat Network provider within the UK retirement sector. ARCO, or the Associated Retirement Community Operators, is the main body representing the UK’s Retirement Community sector, formed...

1 in 5 customers switch energy provider in 2018

5.8 million UK customers switched their energy provider last year, a 6% increase on 2017. Approximately 1.7 million customers moved away from the “Big Six” to small or mid-tier suppliers, with 100,000 switches taking place in December alone, making up 21% of switches...