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Grange Gardens – Case Study


We were instructed by leading London Managing Agent, Stiles Harold Williams, to complete a full review of the heat metering on a new instruction received. They had major concerns with the existing community heating scheme, believing that the current installation may not provide the necessary capability to undertake tenant recharging due to issues surrounding data capture.

Grange Gardens is a modern development built several years ago and was a small part of a huge regeneration project of Bermondsey Spa. Limited information was available from the previous managing agent and the operating and maintenance manuals were largely incomplete on the critical elements relating to the tenant billing aspect of the scheme.


Challenges faced

We thoroughly investigated the original installation and gathered information relating to the metering methodology that had been applied. As is common with these technology based projects, there was a high degree of “tech speak” from those acting as the gatekeepers to the data. This proved to be a difficult obstacle and over several months of unsuccessful correspondence it was decided that a more radical approach was required to deliver a robust solution to the Managing Agent. This solution would ultimately give them the ability to manage and recover the costs for the heat supplied to the tenants.


Our solution

We supplied, installed and commissioned two new data loggers to replace the existing unstable devices. In contrast to the previous system, the new installation provided the managing agent with free access to the tenant-level heat metering for the development. This allowed them to obtain accurate metering data and charge the tenants accordingly.

The main outputs of the exercise was to:

  • Provide reliable and functional equipment
  • Produce a clear metering strategy for the development
  • Allow access to data without restrictions and involvement from third parties
  • Comply with the Heat Network Regulations
  • Comply with the lease responsibilities
  • Deliver a cost effective solution