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Heat Networks: How does it work?

Heat Networks: How does it work?   A Heat Network (or a Communal or District Heating System) is a contemporary approach applied to many new homes, whereby an entire development is served by a centralised Energy Centre. The Energy Centre generates heat and hot...

7.4 million households to be affected by energy price hikes

7.4 million households to be affected by energy price hikes Four of the UK’s “Big Six” have announced a price increase this year, predicted to affect 7.4million households. Energy giant British Gas was the first to declare the change, with 4.1 million customers...

Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations – FAQs

Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations – FAQs The Heat Network Regulations place significant responsibility on Landlords and Managing Agents that operate and maintain Communal and District Heating Systems. Property Managers now have the added...

Ofgem announces 12-month back-billing limit

Ofgem announces 12-month back-billing limit UK energy watchdog Ofgem have announced a ban on energy providers back-billing customers for energy used over a year ago. Unless a customer has purposely prevented their meter from being read, energy suppliers will no longer...

The Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations 2014

The Heat Network (Metering & Billing) Regulations 2014 Under the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014, Landlords, Developers and Managing Agents that provide heat to residents through a District Heating System are legally seen as the Heat Supplier....