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Investors in People Accredited until 2020

Investors in People Accredited until 2020 We’re delighted to announce that we have been successfully accredited as an Investors in People (IIP) Organisation. Investors in People sets the standard for better people management, empowering talent within organisations...

14001 Accreditation Audit underway due to be completed

14001 Accreditation Audit underway due to be completed Data Energy are pleased to have been audited to receive the 14001 Accreditation. The ISO 14000 family of standards provides practical tools for companies and organizations of all kinds looking to manage their...

The IKW02 PAYG Heat Meter

The IKW02 PAYG Heat Meter Launched with full Paypoint capability As the likely Heat Network Operator you will be looking for a simple solution that allows you to minimise initial outlay and ongoing running costs. Our solution provides one of the most competitive...

Energy Price Cap

Energy Price Cap With a cap on energy bills set to be included in the Conservative manifesto, the energy industry have reacted with scepticism of the proposal, declaring that the move would be more damaging to customers in the long term. The proposal is said to be...

Sharing the Cost: Energy Apportionment

Sharing the Cost: Energy Apportionment More than ever, Landlords and Managing Agents are monitoring energy usage of buildings with the desire to save money through increased efficiency. However, simply monitoring consumption cannot provide the whole picture, and the...

The Big Splash – Update

The Big Splash – Update As you are aware, on the 1st of April the world’s largest competitive water market opened in England, with around 1.2 million businesses, charities and public sector organisations now eligible to switch retailer. Over 5 years since Defra...