Working safer, together
In June 2020, we took all necessary precautions to ensure our team could return to a sensible and safe working environment. Most employees have now returned to the office and our mobile engineers are back on the road.
In line with the Government’s Safer Working Guidelines, we’ve introduced essential protocols to ensure we can work safer, together:
• Regular deep sanitation of workspace and utensils
• Conducted risk assessments for engineers and office staff
• Steps have been taken to ensure a minimum 2-metre distance is maintained in the workplace
• Handwashing and hygiene procedures have been implemented
Recognising the hazards
We understand that COVID-19 spreads easily from person to person, and that risk of infection is greater when in close proximity to someone with the virus.
We recognise that the virus can remain on surfaces and fabrics for multiple hours and can be spread through shared surface contact.
Understanding who’s at risk
We understand that office staff and engineers might be at risk when working in close proximity in the workplace, or during site visits.
Some of our team use public transport to travel to work and might find themselves in enclosed spaces where maintaining a 2-metre distance isn’t possible.
We understand that any person showing symptoms of the virus, no matter how mild, must self-isolate with the rest of their household for at least 7 days.
Working safer, together
We’ve introduced protocols in line with the UK Government’s Safer Working Guidelines to manage the risk of COVID-19. We will review these protocols as risk levels change, in line with Government and Public Health England guidance.
We have procedures in place to ensure that anyone showing symptoms, or living with someone showing symptoms, can isolate safely at home for a minimum of 7 days. Where appropriate, we will notify employees that may have come into proximity of the person showing symptoms.
We’ve provided training to ensure our team understand the importance of the protocols introduced, including social distancing requirements and good hygiene practices.
We’ve provided staff with PPE, including masks, gloves and hand sanitiser for personal use in and outside of the workplace.